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Открыты аспирантские вакансии в IIT

В отделении робототехники, изучения мозга и когнитивных наук (Robotics, brain and cognitive sciences – RBCS) Итальянского Института Технологий (Генуя) имеются две аспирантские вакансии, по разработке и использованию искусственных мускулов на основе электроактивных полимеров. Срок подачи документов  – до 21 сентября 2012 года.

Условия и требования

This advertisement is related to the availability of two PhD positions (with scholarship) on development and applications of EAP actuators at the Robotics, Brain and Cognitive Sciences (RBCS) in the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italian Institute of Technology). IIT is an English-language working environment based in Genoa (ITALY) with state-of-the-art laboratories and worldwide collaboration in the field of robotics, machine learning, neuroscience, cognitive systems, and nanotechnology. In relation to the Soft Material Design Laboratory activity, the following themes are pursued:

Theme 1.13: Actuators for humanoid robots based on electroactive polymers

This project will focus on the development of DEA assemblies for applications in humanoids robotics, working both at the materials and at the engineering level, aiming at small body parts actuation (e.g. eye movements).

Theme 1.31: Design and characterization of a lightweight and compliant novel tactile feedback device

This interdisciplinary project will focus on the development of a touch display for relaying tactile information based on ionic EAP. It includes the design of actuators, the integration in a tactile display, up to human subject testing.


Full details of the call and the application procedure can be found at:


More details on these themes can be found on the Annex A-4 of the call (with additional contact information). If you have general questions about our research, please don't hesitate to contact us at alberto.ansaldo@iit.itdavide.ricci@iit.it

Please note that the application procedure requires preparing and uploading a set of documents here: http://www.studenti.unige.it/postlaurea/dottorati/xxviiiciclo/IITen by the deadline. In case you have troubles in preparing the application please kindly ask Mrs Anastasia Bruzzone (anastasia.bruzzone@iit.it) who is responsible for the administrative procedure.


Theme 1.13: Actuators for humanoid robots based on electroactive polymers

Tutor: Davide Ricci, Giorgio Metta
N. of available positions: 1

In recent years there has been much interest in electro active polymers (EAP) as materials for novel actuators. In general, polymers are attractive as actuator materials because they are lightweight, easily fabricated in various shapes, and low cost. Within the general category of EAP, two classes emerge as most promising, i.e. solid state Ionic EAPs (IEAP), that excel thanks to their low voltage operation, and Dielectric Elastomers (DE) that exhibit fast response, high actuation strains (>100%) and energy densities (3.4 J/g). Like natural muscle, polymer actuators have inherent passive compliance and have demonstrated simultaneous actuation and sensing. Within the framework of research carried out in the Soft Materials Laboratory @RBCS, using both proprietary and other available EAP technologies, the activity will focus on the development of actuator assemblies for applications in humanoids robotics, working both at the materials and at the engineering level, aiming at small body parts actuation (e.g. eye movements). The work will involve electromechanical device design and process engineering and will rely on a strong in-house expertise on electroactive polymeric materials.

Requirements: The ideal candidate has an excellent Engineering or Material Science background and a strong motivation to collaborate across and beyond disciplines. It is furthermore desired that the student has a practical flair with good manual skills for experimental work. Experience in mechanical CAD and electromechanical modelling are a plus.
For further details concerning the research project, please contact: davide.ricci@iit.itgiorgio.metta@iit.it

Theme 1.31: Design and characterization of a lightweight and compliant novel tactile feedback device

Tutor: Alberto Ansaldo, Michela Bassolino, Netta Gurari 
N. of available positions: 1

Humans with compromised touch sensing can benefit from the development of new artificial touch displays.  Example populations who would desire such a technology include:
∙         Patient populations receiving rehabilitative treatment (e.g., patients with motor deficits after stroke),
∙         Users of virtual environments (e.g., video game players), and
∙         Humans controlling teleoperated robots (e.g., doctors using the Intuitive Surgical, Inc. Da Vinci Surgical system).

In this research, the PhD candidate will design, develop, and characterize a touch display for relaying tactile information. First, the candidate will design the actuators using newly developed compliant materials (e.g. ionic electro active polymers), so that the actuators can output a sufficient amount of force to produce perceivable signals. Next, the candidate will use these actuators to create a tactile feedback display. Last, the candidate will characterize the effectiveness of the tactile display by conducting human subject testing. At the conclusion of this project, the novel touch display will be given to other groups for use in clinical applications and in basic science research.

Requirements: The project is strongly interdisciplinary, using skills from the following fields: material science, chemistry, electronic engineering, mechanical engineering, and experimental psychology. Specific requirements of the PhD candidate include:
∙         Background in engineering, physics, chemistry, or related disciplines
∙         Programming skills (e.g., C/C++)
∙         Good written and oral communication skills in English
∙         Ability to work in an interdisciplinary team
∙         An excitement for a career in conducting scientific research
For further details concerning the research project, please contact: alberto.ansaldo@iit.it

Источник: http://www.iit.it/en/openings/phd-calls/1595-phd-school-in-life-and-humanoid-technologies.html


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Toyota представила гуманоидного робота с экзоскелетным управлением

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Робот-спасатель от Honda: пять «глаз» и 33 степени подвижности 

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Toyota представила автомобиль-робот, в салоне которого сразу 2 водительских места

Казалось бы, суть самоуправляемых автомобилей заключается в том, чтобы максимально обеспечить удобство пассажиров и «убрать» из салона водителя, доверив контроль за ситуацией роботу. Вроде бы логичное решение, но вот автоконцерн Toyota думает иначе. Недавно они представили крайне продвинутую версию самоуправляемого авто. Только вот водительских мест в нем аж целых два.


RHP2 - гуманоидный робот, созданный для того, чтобы падать, подниматься и снова падать

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